The common pain managements options are medicines, physical therapy, medicine injection therapy, Plasma therapy, Ozone therapy, ablation therapy, nerve blocks, electric nerve stimulation.
Most of the muscle and joints pains can be treated by our non surgical pain treatment methods like tendonitis pain, muscle or tendon sprains or partial tears, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Plantar Fascitis, Achilis tendinitis pain, Elbow pain like Medial and lateral epicondylitis, slip disc, herniated disc, disc bulge, sciatica pain, sacroiliitis joint pain, cancer pain, trigeminal neuralgia, rotator cuff tendinitis, shoulder pain, bursitis pain, rotator cuff partial tear, tenosynovitis, trigger finger, selective nerve blocks, facet joint injection, etc
Low back pain is a very disturbing symptom that can affect about 80 % of the world’s population. In 90% cases, it resolves spontaneously within 4 weeks with or even without any treatment. In most cases, physical therapies such as exercises, manipulation therapy can solve the problem.
Experimental models have demonstrated that the extruded nucleus pulposus can produce a chemical and immunological irritation of the radicular nerve, causing inflammation.
The non surgical treatment of knee pain can be treated by medicines, physical therapy, ozone therapy, hyaluronate injection, plasma therapy for knee pains, geniculate nerve ablation, geniculate artery embolization.
The Pain Treatment cost varies from Rs 5000 to Rs 20000 but it depends on various factors like
Usually, most insurances may not cover Pain Management Treatment. Our Team will help you.
You can start walking immediately. Minimal pain might be there but there won’t be any effects on your daily routine.
Usually No. There are no major side effects after the most non surgical pain therapy. In fact, you can start walking immediately. Minimal pain can happen initially but doesn’t hamper your daily routine.
The cost of Pain Treatment depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 5000 to 20,000.
Citi Vascular Hospital is one of the best hospital for Pain Management without Surgery, doing the highest number of Pain Management.
Dr. Shaileshkumar Garge is one of the best doctor for non surgical pain Therapy in Hyderabad.